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5 Reasons Higher Ed Administrators Should Use Twitter

"Higher ed executives are 10% more likely to be using social media compared to individuals in positions of leadership in the corporate world at Fortune 500 companies" (Donachie, 2017, n. p.). There are many reasons that Twitter, in particular, is popular among higher ed administrators. Here are 5. 
  1. To listen to constituents. Twitter is a great way for administrators to connect with people that often can be remote from them. Students, parents, counterparts, colleagues, alumni, and funders: all of these people can share their valuable input with administrators via Twitter.
  2. To keep up with the news. Twitter is often the first to have the breaking news. By following local and national news sources, higher ed news sources, academic and professional organizations, thought leaders, and relevant hashtags, administrators can be the first to know important information that impacts them.
  3. To make the news. Just like administrators are getting their news from Twitter, they can share  big news about the campus. Followers will want to know about that new building, big gift, big decision, special guest, major events and performances, awards, Orientation, Commencement, exams, and profiles of students, alumni, programs, and employees. 
  4. To ask questions. Considering making an important decision? Why not ask for help?
  5. To say thank you. No (good) administator works in a bubble. It's so important to thank the people who help you along the way. Remember to tag them so they're notified and retweet.
Thank you for reading this far. Be sure to share with me what I missed in the comments section.


Donachie, P. (2017). 

Higher ed leaders are 10% more likely to use social media than their corporate counterparts.  In EducationDive. Retrieved from


  1. Great blog post. I really like 4 and 5. I think Twitter is a great way to ask questions and get information from constituents. Emails are becoming a thing of the past and Twitter is more of a real time, albeit virtual conversation. The scary part is the actual replies. Sometimes (well, a lot of times) responses go unregulated and respondents get into disputes. Twitter is also a great way to say thank you - to the campus, community, Legislature, etc. It's public and accessible for many who may not have immediate access to the President. It helps the public as they develop perceptions and impressions about the President.


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